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building permission

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  • building permission

    I posted on this site on 22 May about building permissions for a balcony.
    "We would like to build a balcony off our bedroom, it is already enclosed on three sides (we just need a floor and ballustrades) and would only be 1.5 m deep x 3m wide."
    Your reply said to apply for a minor works licence, we also asked at the ayuntamiento and were told to apply for a minor works licence. We applied for this in August and last week because we had not heard anything we went into the ayuntamiento and was told it was "disfavorable" because it was should be major works and we need an architect. An architect would cost 2000 euros which is as much as the cost of the balcony.
    Is it correct that we need a major works licence?

  • #2
    In your previous message you said that to do the balcony, you only needed to put the tiling and a balustrade as it was already enclosed on three sides, therefore a minor construction licence is required for that type of work. I do not know what application you have presented at the Town Hall for them to ask you for a major construction licence. Therefore without that information I can not properly reply to your query.

    Please feel free to contact us for further information.

