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The Empty Shed Mystery - Solved?

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  • The Empty Shed Mystery - Solved?

    A brand new pristine shed could be seen standing proudly on the pavement area opposite the old casino last week, shortly afterwards it mysteriously disappeared.

    When I walked passed it and noticed people looking at it, and even a few inside (it was open fronted) naturally I wondered what amazing new service or products were going to be on sale.

    Then, a few days later, I noticed it has disappeared. I decided maybe it had been delivered and erected in the wrong place, or more probably it had fallen onto a lorry in the night.

    But today I think the Euro Weekly News has shed (sorry!) some light on the mystery.

    Apparently the daily street market traders (well the legal ones anyway) are going to be allocated sheds or what EWN calls "new wooden kiosks" (now I am assuming like the mysterious disappearing one) from which to trade and lock up at night. That must be marvellous for them as no more unpacking/setting up/re packing and carting away every night.

    Another benefit will be that the police will more readily be able to detect the illegal traders with their cardboard box trading from those in new wooden kiosks, (NWKs).

    Now I hear you asking who is paying for the NWKs - well not you (unless you are a trader) or me so our IBI is not going up (well it probably is but not for NWKs) but the traders at a cool 2,000€ each.

    Of course with my cynical hat on (not that I wear it very often you understand) I can foresee lots of bright NWKs standing proudly in rows, then the decision is taken (urgently required) to completely re-pave the whole area needing the NWKs to be removed. Still people need jobs.

  • #2
    They were re-building it opposite the casino this morning!

