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Community rules

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  • Community rules

    A few questions about the operation of a community . Must the President of the community be an owner of one of the properties ? At an AGM , what is the minimum number of
    owners needed to attend to allow for decisions to be voted on / decided ? When ownership is international , is required to provide translator at AGM and provide translation of minutes etc ?

  • #2
    Must the President of the community be an owner of one of the properties ?
    He must be a member of the community and by default an owner.

    At an AGM , what is the minimum number of owners needed to attend to allow for decisions to be voted on / decided ?
    Depends how many members there are and what the position of proxy votes is.

    Not sure about the last point - I don't think foreigners would have any right to have translators/translation fees paid for by the community unless that was voted on and agreed.

    The law of horizontal property is clearly detailed (in English) in a book published by Santana written by David Searl (usually stocked by Bargain Books)


    • #3
      I know the answers to this question
      1. Yes the president must be picked from the owners
      2 the minimum number at an EGM is 25% so the same for a AGM that includes proxy votes
      3 A translator is not provided unless it has been agreed by the owners i.e if the majority are English or English speakers the meeting can be held that language, or whatever language is the majority, however the minutes must legally be must be recorded in Spanish
      Editado por última vez por GAL; en , 16:43:56. Razón: wrong word


      • #4
        That's so nice of you and it really make me help with it and it is really making me clear the many legal issues of it.

